Pet Food Pouch Calculator

When buying cat food there are always offers on but working out the best deal with the different size boxes can be hard. This calculator lets you enter the prices of each box with the amount of pouches to give you the best deal to buy based on the price per pouch.

How to Use

Welcome to the Pet Food Pouch Calculator. Here’s how to manage your pet’s feeding needs:

  1. In the Pet Consumption section, enter each pet’s name and daily pouches, then click Add Pet.
  2. Use the Edit button to adjust daily consumption as needed.
  3. The calculator shows total daily, weekly, and monthly consumption.
  4. In the Retailer Costs section, enter cost details for various stores to find the best deal.
  5. Check “Remember Pet Data?” to save your pets in a cookie, so you won’t have to re-enter them next time.
  6. Switch between Light and Dark themes depending on your preference.
  7. Use the currency dropdown to change the currency symbol.

Thanks for using the Pet Food Pouch Calculator!

Pet Consumption

Pet Name Daily Consumption Action

Total Daily Consumption: 0 pouch(es)

Total Weekly Consumption: 0 pouch(es)

Total Monthly Consumption: 0 pouch(es)

Retailer Costs

Retailer Cost/Box Pouches/Box Price/Pouch Action